As some of you might have noticed the club launched its redesigned website in mid May with the new platform in order to better facilitate communication flow with members and also as a push towards online membership management.
It has been approx. 3 months to that and we thought to give you sort of an update on some of the website data which might be of interest. The website has been slowly gathering pace with visitor and regular member activity since launch and overall trend was been positive.
Overall, roughly 4000 people has visited our club website of which 44% came through a search engine and 44% directly typed in website address. Rest 12% came throughreferral
from our website link published on 3rd party sites such as ABA, Facebook, Tournament Software etc..
Out of these 4000 visitors, 2600 were unique visitors with 98% of them from NewZealand and 93% from Auckland itself.
Australia, US, Japan in countries and Tauranga, Wellington and Christchurch in cities came next in that order.
On a monthly basis, that number is approx 1100 unique visitors and this has been growing for last three months. Of all monthly visits to site, more than two third are new visitors each month.
Out of overall visits, roughly 400 were from mobile platform with Ipad and Iphone being most popular of those devices.
On launch, our average visitor numbers per day were roughly 20 which has since grown to 50+ currently.
As of current, 68% of all visitors to our website are new.
Overall, we had visitors from 16 different countries so far from all different corners of the world including Brazil and Spain.
78% of all our regular visitors check the website every other day at least.
Internet Explorer and Chrome seems to be the most popular browsers with roughly 66% visitors using them.