Please note that everyone must register their details at when entering and leaving the badminton hall. The venue name is Lloyd Elsmore Park Badminton Club. This is required for…
Please note that everyone must register their details at when entering and leaving the badminton hall. The venue name is Lloyd Elsmore Park Badminton Club. This is required for…
Great news! LEPBC Senior Club is reopening on Sunday 31 May and resuming all regular club nights. Please take the time to read the conditions below. We must all comply…
The Auckland Badminton Association has advised all clubs, including LEPBC, not to operate under current Level 2 restrictions. This will be reviewed on 25 May. We will provide updates as…
SENIOR CLUB: The Prime Minister announced today NZ is at COVID-19 level 3, rising to level 4 on Wednesday, lasting at least 4 weeks. The Senior Club is suspended until…
Lloyd Elsmore Junior Badminton Club will be suspending all junior club sessions from Monday 23rd March. We will be in touch with all members via e-mail and keep you updated…
Re. Senior Club Membership for 2020 All Current and New Members can confirm their membership for the year 2020 by either paying online (into club's bank account) or at the…
All Last club night for Senior Badminton: 22 December 2019 We'll return on Sunday 5 January 2020. During January, the Senior club will run only Thursday and Sunday night from…
All members will have noticed that the dividing curtain in the main playing area has recently been replaced which has greatly enhanced the appearance of the club. The replacement project…